Frequently Asked Questions



Fingerprinting Centres- Johannesburg
Fingerprinting Centres- Pretoria
Fingerprinting Centres- Cape Town
Fingerprinting Centres- Durban
Fingerprinting Centres- Gqerbeha (Port Elizabeth)
Fingerprinting Centres- East London
TPN CrimTrack-Criminal Check Solution-Fingerprinting centres
Criminal Check Status - Capture Fingerprints
What is the Staff Screening Portal and why would I need it?
Can a school refuse admission or suspend a student due to non-payment by parents?
What will I be charged for when processing a "Submit Criminal Check " off the Staff Screening Portal?
Can an independent school attach movable property of non-paying parents?
Can an Independent School adversely list non-paying parents?
Can a Public School adversely list non-paying parents?
Why does my school want to do a criminal check on me?
Can a pubic school refuse admission or suspend a student due to non-payment by parents?
Why do I need to do this Biometric ID Verification / Curata check for you to submit my fingerprints?
Can a public school attach movable property of non-paying parents?
How do you receive the Biometric ID / Selfie Check link?
How do I find a copy of the ID Biometric link to resend to someone?
Can I perform the Biometric ID / Selfie check on any device?
I keep getting SMS reminders to complete an ID Verification check? Why?
What happens if you delete the TPN Biometric check sms?
I am having trouble completing the ID Biometric process?
Why do we recommend you do a qualification check on a new employee?
Sexual offences compliance
Biometric consent for resubmission of fingerprints
Error - ID Verification on Staff Screening Portal
How can TPN help a school collect fees?
Conducting a credit check on a potential parent
Can my children's school list me for non-payment?
Can a School withhold or refuse to give the student / non-paying parents a report?
Can a school demand payment of school fees from both parents?
Validation Error