The Credex Score specifically scores the applicant to determine their suitability as a tenant.
There are 3 components to the score: application, affordability and squat which wrap up into the overall Credex Score. Depending on which score (basic, silver or gold), the different components (application, affordability and squat) are included.
Additional information is required to perform the Silver and Gold Credex Score - the value of the rent and if there are multiple tenants, that applicants contribution towards the rent, and the applicant’s salary.
Important considerations:
The score is based on the data available – the more credit bureaus requested the better the predictability of the score. In other words the score is most predictable when a TPN, TransUnion and Experian enquiries are requested
The overall Credex Score is a wrap up of application, affordability and squat component; the Basic Credex Score does not include the affordability and squat components and as such the applicant will never score in the excellent bucket as the input data is limited.