Frequently Asked Questions

 TPN Manual

TPN Manual

TPN Credit Check through WhatsApp
Which Letter of Demand should I send my tenant?
How to read a smart card?
Individual Enquiry
Company Enquiry
Credit check history
Individual Trace
Which bank accounts can I check on the Account Verification Service?
My Data
Welcome Letter
Reward Good Tenants
Rental Payment Updater
Letter of Demand
Rental Blacklisting
How do I open the PDF documents?
Which enquiries should I perform on potential tenants and why?
Understanding a South African ID Number
What ID Verifications does TPN system allow us to do?
Fraud Flags on Identity Documents
Conducting a Credit Check on a Parent
Account Verification Enquiry Terminology
Why do we recommend you do a qualification check on a new employee?
What is the TPN CIPC Score?
What is The UNSC?
What is the Targeted Financial Sanctions List (TFS) ?
Identity (ID) Verification