Frequently Asked Questions

 Landlord FAQ

Landlord FAQ

Early Cancellation of a TPN Lease
Termination of a lease agreement - timeline for notifications
Damage to Property – when is rental still due?
If the tenant has not paid rent – when is it considered late?
Who is responsible to pay the rates and taxes?
Can I perform a credit check on my prospective tenant?
My Property Practitioner is finding the tenant – am I entitled to see the tenant's credit report?
Should the lease agreement be verbal or written?
Who should sign the lease agreement?
How much deposit should I hold?
Am I entitled to earn interest on my rental deposit?
Am I obliged to pay the tenant interest on the deposit?
What are my obligations in terms of maintaining the property?
Am I entitled to inspect the property?
If the tenant has not paid the rent – when is it considered late?
What can I do if the tenant fails to pay rent?
Can I lock the tenant out of the property if the rent is not paid?
Can I disconnect the water and lights if the rent is not paid?
Can I cancel the lease early?
Must I perform incoming and outgoing inspections on my property?
Refunding the deposit
Co-owners who should sign the lease?
What happens to the lease if the tenant or landlord dies?
Can the tenant cancel the lease early?
Which enquiries should I perform on potential tenants and why?
Understanding a South African ID Number
What ID Verifications does TPN system allow us to do?
Fair Wear and Tear definition
Damage to Property – where the premises is in the process of being bought
What is a nominated bank account?
Rental deposit refund summary